Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor
As a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, I will be your guide. We will work together to restore harmony to your relationship with food, physical movement and your body. Through the intuitive eating counselor training, I have specialized experience in utilizing the intuitive eating framework originally developed by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. The one on one supervision from the original intuitive eating professionals was invaluable for working through the details and nuances of intuitive eating. Additionally, the certification requires 37 continuing education credit hours with separate modules including the completion of the intuitive eating workbook. I have years of practice implementing this model and have seen how it transforms the lives of the individuals that I work with.
It is easy to assume that Intuitive Eating is simply ‘eating whatever I want whenever I want’ but this isn’t the case. Intuitive Eating is a list of ten principles that are reviewed and practiced with intention to change the way that we think about our eating habits, movement and body in order to meet the needs of our body and best take care of ourselves. It can feel overwhelming to navigate independently, which is why it’s important to have a clinician to walk you through the steps that are most helpful for you in the moment. I have adopted this methodology in my nutrition practice because of the wealth of scientific articles on the validity of this method compared to old fashioned dietetic practices. My goal is to lead you, step by step, through the process to practice intuitive eating and learn to trust your internal cues. Let’s leave dieting and body shame behind and embrace the new possibilities. We can all learn to nourish ourselves, enjoy movement and respect our bodies!
Find myself and other colleagues on the Intuitive Eating Counselor directory! https://www.intuitiveeating.org/certified-counselors/
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